PLACE Program
3530 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 351-7825
Rancho_Dominguez Step by Step program

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is working to develop a Community Pedestrian Plan for Lennox. This plan aims to make it safer for people to walk in Lennox, promote healthier lifestyles, and improve pedestrian access to local amenities throughout the community.

Health by the numbers

10% of adults in Lennox walk, bike, or take transit to work.
* American Community Survey (2022)

38% of adults in Lennox are considered obese, which can increase the risk of health problems
* AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition (2022)

What is a pedestrian plan?

A Pedestrian Plan identifies specific projects, policies, and programs to make your community more walkable. Projects could be sidewalks, crosswalks, trees, and more. Pedestrian Plans include cost estimates, and help the County prioritize which projects to work on next. They consider things like safety, health, and access to important places that you want to go. They also include a record of community conversations that shaped the project.

This project will last from Summer 2024 through Winter 2027. Throughout the planning process, we want to hear from you and your neighbors to help us:

  • Identify walking challenges to getting around your neighborhood safely, and solutions
  • Improve connections to community resources
  • Reduce the number of collisions involving people walking

Why encourage walking?

Walking 30 minutes a day may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Stay informed

Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (951) 805-7157

Arturo Nevarez
Justin Robertson

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