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DPH Vital Records Office

Data Collection & Analysis
Data Collection and Analysis Unit
Department of Public Health
County of Los Angeles

DPH Vital Records Office
DPH Vital Records Office
313 North Figueroa Street
Room Lobby-1
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Monday -Friday 8:00 – 4:00 pm (closed weekends & holidays)

For Holiday Schedule, please click here.

Phone: (213) 288-7812 (births)
Phone: (213) 288-7816 (deaths)

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DPH Vital Records Office - Register Out-of Hospital Births

If your child was born at home or outside of the hospital setting, the birth must be registered at the Vital Records office. Registration is completed by appointment only. If a physician or professionally licensed midwife attended the birth, they must complete the birth worksheet prior to scheduling an appointment. If the out-of-hospital birth was not attended by a physician or professionally licensed midwife, either one of the parents is responsible for registering the birth. California State law requires all births to be registered within 10 days. You may schedule an appointment by calling 213-288-7812 between the hours of 8:00am -4:00pm.. Out of Hospital Births which took place more than 1 year from the date of birth must be registered with the California Department of Public Health Vital Records Section as a Delayed Registration of Birth.

Si su bebé nació en el hogar o fuera del hospital, el nacimiento debe registrarse en la oficina de Registros Vitales. El registro de el bebé se completa solamente con cita previa. Si un médico o una partera con licencia profesional asistieron el parto, deben completar el formulario de parto antes de hacer una cita. Si el parto fuera del hospital no fue atendido por un médico o una partera con licencia profesional, cualquiera de los padres es responsable de registrar el Nacimiento de el bebé. La ley del estado de California exige que todos los nacimientos se registren dentro de los primeros 10 días. Puede hacer una cita llamando al 213-288-7812 de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm. Los nacimientos fuera del hospital que tuvieron lugar más de 1 año a partir de la fecha de nacimiento deben registrarse con el Departamento de Salud Pública de el Estado de California, Sección de registros vitales como registro de nacimiento retrasado.

Register Out-of-Hospital Births

A fee is applied if you DO NOT register within the child's first year. 

In order to register Out-of-Hospital or Home Births, all five criteria must be met:

  1. Identity of the parent(s)
  2. Pregnancy of the mother
  3. Infant was born alive
  4. Birth occurred in Los Angeles County
  5. Identity of the witness

For more detail on these criteria, please see:

English:   Requirements for Registering Out-of-Hospital Births  

Spanish: Requisitos para Registrar Nacimientos Fuera del Hospital

Please contact the Vital Records Office at (213) 288-7812 for an appointment and further instructions.


Useful Links
Learn more about other birth related services we are providing.

Order Birth Certificate
Authorized Certified Birth Certificate
Paternity Opportunity Program
Rush and Emergency Birth Certificate

Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services